Yesterday, John and I were able to go on a "post-Valentine's Day" date, due to him being off for President's Day and our friends being willing to babysit. This was our first date since December, when we were away in Ann Arbor, MI visiting my relatives, and my mother and brother were generous enough to give us an afternoon off!
It was a lovely and quiet day, being a week day and lunch time in San Antonio. I had managed to put some make-up on, style my hair, and managed to squeeze into a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans. I even wore heels! Although, I will say, I asked John if I still looked like a mommy, and he said I always look like a mommy... not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I'll take it as a compliment. We sat next to each other at a booth at the Flying Saucer and ordered a fancy salad and a deluxe burger to share. We had a huge selection of draft pints at half off, which made John VERY happy! All in all, a perfect lunch.
The thing is, once you become a parent, you can't really shut it off. It's like a state of mind that does not reverse itself. Even though you are having fun, as an adult with another adult, in the back of your mind, you are always thinking about your child, wondering if they are okay, hoping that they are not torturing the baby sitter, praying that they took their nap or drank enough milk to not be fussy, etc, etc. We miss him, even when he's grumpy. It's kind of hard to have a ton of fun without the little tyke. I'd rather have a date night with three...
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