It's been really nice having family nearby that we can visit with. Xander and I have been making a point to go and see our cousins in San Marcos. It gets me out of the house and out of my little hermit-like town of Kyle and lets Xander socialize with Zoe, his cousin (second cousin to be exact), who is 2 years old. Casey (Zoe's mother) and I usually meet up around noon at a great little coffee house called "Wake the Dead" where we have a warm drink and a snack while wrangling her toddler. This entails trying to keep Zoe from pinching Xander's face or taking his toys away, as well as supervising her attempts to climb into Xander's empty stroller. Xander sits on the couch with me, watching EVERYTHING Zoe does... I'm assuming he's taking notes on how to full embrace the terrible twos!
By Zoe's third temper tantrum we are ready to go, and we meet back at my Aunt and Abuela's house. I've been visiting that house for more than 20 years. I used to spend one month every summer of my childhood in that house, playing on it's 3 acres, and now, it's Xander's turn.
We usually go in and see my Abuela Mercedes, and her sister Eva, who looks after her during the day. Although my dear Abuela has dementia, she's still lucid enough to remember me and remember Xander's name. He, in turn, flirts with them by smiling and showing off his new vocal range.
My cousin Chas set up a swing in the gazebo, so we end our day there. It's the highlight of Xander's excursion... he'll easily spend a good 15-20minutes just swinging back and forth, smiling the entire time. It reminds me of when my Abuelo used to swing me in the tire swing on those long Texas summer nights so long ago...
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