"At least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." - Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
My cousin-in-law Casey Tabor remarked to me the other day, "I swear, I see Xander at least once a week, and he still seems to change constantly!" I guess because I am with my wee babe (or not so wee anymore!) for most of everyday, his changes see more gradual. Although we do have momentous moments, like crawling backward on the bed and pulling up in his crib, his general appearance and demeanor don't strike me as very different from day to day. With that said, when I look back at pictures of him from even as close to a week ago, I can see the remarkable difference! Xander changes constantly, from the minute he wakes up to when he goes to bed at night, it just me whose to slow to see it most days! Everyday he vocalizes more, understands more, and wants more... it makes me think about my own self. Am I as committed to my growth and evolution as a human being on this little blue planet? Sad to say, no, I am not... what happened? Where did that drive go? He has utterly inspired me to finish projects and start adventures that have been neglected far too long. This tiny little being has put new life into this tired and complacent dame... now only if he would allow me the time....
Great quote, and even greater point. Believe me... I totally know what you mean. Well put, love. You have a way with expression.