I had an intense flashback of the memory of Xander's birth the other day. It happened when Jenny Orona texted me to say that my good friend Prema's water had broke while they were eating dinner at Habana's on S. Congress. Now, mind you, I didn't have the pleasure of my water breaking on it's own (or even in a public venue!), but Prema is with the same OBGYN and was to deliver at the same hospital we did.
I felt my stomach drop and clench at the same time... like butterflies that grew into bats! She called me 20 minutes later, letting me know that she had had 3 contractions in a row that were 5minutes apart. I remember thinking that she should probably hang up with me and call Dr. Sebestyen back right away! My heart was with her as she talked to me about her excitement and wonder, while bravely trying to keep the panic out of her voice. Before hanging up, I made sure she knew she could call on me to go the hospital and be with her if she needed me.
I don't think I slept very well that night... I had so many dreams. One of which was that I was on the phone with Prema again, this time she was at the hospital, and she told me that she needed to call me back in 10minutes, as the baby was just ready to be born!
Jenny O texted me at 6:30am - Prema was pushing! Aparently, Jenny didn't know what hospital Prema had gone too, so she texted her to find out... Prema's reply was "pushing". Now, for all of those mama's out there, I'm sure your jaw just dropped, I know mine did.... for those who are not in the "pushed a baby out of my V-Jayjay" club, I cannot express the amazement that anyone could still text during labor. But leave it to Prema!
I got a final text a few hours later, informing me that little, perfect baby Evan Grayburn Vaughan Landin was born on March 18th at 7:58am after only 11 hours of labor. Welcome to this wonderful world my sweet boy... Xander has been awaiting your arrival!