"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray." ~Rumi

My little Harper Augustus MacLeod Noss arrived on a cool early morning on Thursday, January 6th, 2011. At 4:00am on the dot to be exact. His birth was completely different from my firsts. Whereas most of Xanders 14hr birth was a blur, due to pain and the circus of my family, Harper's was peaceful and quick. Only John, Dr. Campaigne and a lovely young blond nurse named Laura were in attendance. There was a sense of calm and peacefulness, and thanks to the miracle of the epidural, I was able to be more present in my participation.
He was only 3 days late... and he came on his own - no induction! He seems small to us, at 8lbs 10oz, but that's because we were used to Xander's 9lbs 5oz at birth, and his 3olb muscular little frame at 16months now!
To say Harper is perfect would be redundant. All newborns are perfect. He is no exception. I love him completely, although very differently than Xander. At this point, my love is more instinctual - the momma bear coming out to protect her defenseless young. My love for Xander is one of constant evolution - he continually amazes me with his bright intelligence and consistent sweetness and kindness for others.
The two brothers do not quite interact just yet (Harper is just over 2 weeks old), but Xander has shown interest and concern when Harper is upset. He has even leaned over and kissed the little newbie on the head more than once!
I can't wait until they are the best of friends...
He was only 3 days late... and he came on his own - no induction! He seems small to us, at 8lbs 10oz, but that's because we were used to Xander's 9lbs 5oz at birth, and his 3olb muscular little frame at 16months now!
To say Harper is perfect would be redundant. All newborns are perfect. He is no exception. I love him completely, although very differently than Xander. At this point, my love is more instinctual - the momma bear coming out to protect her defenseless young. My love for Xander is one of constant evolution - he continually amazes me with his bright intelligence and consistent sweetness and kindness for others.
The two brothers do not quite interact just yet (Harper is just over 2 weeks old), but Xander has shown interest and concern when Harper is upset. He has even leaned over and kissed the little newbie on the head more than once!
I can't wait until they are the best of friends...
Wonderful news, Ana Pilar. I hope, mom, dad, big brother and the little one are doing well!