My biggest fear came true today. I had a dream when I was pregnant that our half lab and half chow dog Casey would try to bite our baby Xander. Well, today, while John was sitting on the rug with our little boy, playing and laughing next to a calm (it would seem) Casey the world suddenly stood still. Even as time slows down, you never seem to be able to quick enough. Little Xander reached over and grabbed Casey's neck and the dog growled and snapped, striking Xander in the face. The chaos that in sued was phenomenal... I yelled and grabbed the dog's collar and tossed him out side. John swept little Xander in his arms to check out any damage. Little Xander started crying, mostly out of fear than pain. Xander escaped with only a welt on his forhead and cheek - the result of Casey's teeth scrapping against his skin.
I grabbed my baby from John and told him that the dog must go, he had ONE chance, and now it's done. Xander did NOTHING wrong. He was simply playing and exploring. He didn't hurt the dog, but simply pet him, and the dog's reaction was UNACCEPTABLE.
We've had one warning - luckily Xander was not permanently scarred, either mentally or physically. But there will be NO next time. Since becoming a mother, I have a single-minded protective instinct that supersedes any other thought. Protect my child above all else. Nothing else is as important.
Good bye Casey... I will chose Xander EVERYTIME.