"If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun" - Katherine Hepburn
Well, it's official! Xander is now crawling! From an unsure scoot and pull, but full out tummy off the floor and a determined destination in one weekend! No longer will my baby stay put in the place I put him... and in fact, all the places I'd rather he not go, he finds in a heartbeat (such as under the entertainment system and the dog bed). I'm finding that my new mantra is "Not for baby!", which usually received with a loud yell or even tears as he's put facing the opposite direction or as I confiscate his immediate obsession.
To be truthful, John and I have been talking about baby proofing for months, but we've been procrastinating. It would entail finding a tall console table to put the Blue-ray player, computer and sound system on, as well as figuring out how to mount the flat screen on the wall. We cannot wait any longer, he's heading for anything and everything that's at his eye level, as well as everything that he can use to pull up to standing.
Now, given that John threw his back out yesterday (sprained a ligament along his spine) and is sequestered to the couch and on both pain medication and muscle relaxers, makes this new crawling thing a whole world of fun! Poor Daddy...
Xander also had THE best time at the pool this weekend with his cousin Zoe... he splashed around the kiddie pool a bunch and forayed (with me of course) into the big pool. He had so much fun, that he ended up passing out at 7pm that night. Whew! Nice break for Mama!